Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dermatologist's reply dearly needed...Eczema/Acne/Facial Rash that started on my leg>back>arm>face.Please

rash on my leg, it was about the size of a blueberry, ring shaped teeny tiny red pus filled bumps/blisters.Accompanied by occasional outbreaks of itching red blisters on my fingers.I went to the doctor and he said that it was mites or ringworm from my animals and gave me some cream for it.... And he also said my fingers (at a later point) was nerves...and gave me ?Atarax? for itching.

The outbreak on my leg then dissappeared,and came up on my arm and back,then went away there and returned on my face, and now it is very noticable, large areas of my lower face(from the bottom of my nose downto my jawline, not on my neck.) The new Doctor told me it was Eczema? They gave me a cream called Fluticasone Proprionate ?usp .1%. The cream does not halp anymore it just helps it from being so dry. I need to know what this?Any ideas? soap drys it and hurts. Getting worse.Acne?Eczema?Should I apply My medicine or the hydrocortisone says for rashes such as eczema,put that? I dunno what to do.Help!|||this is what i did for my rashes i got a sun lamp used soap shampoo detergent with no perfumes. even rinse your clothes twice. also i ate Vitamin c for about a month and it went away it also sounds like a food allergy watch what you eat if it pops up then. keep putting cream on it. mine finally went away after i tried it. i still get a rash on two fingers when i am prone to stress and i keep my hands out of dish soap|||I knew a friend who have Eczema before.After taking all kind of medication, he was finally healed with water only.Since God create the earth with 70% covered with water,our body is also created with 70 % water.So, if your body contain 70% of good water you are 70% heathy.Your body can heal itself.

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