Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dermatologist HELP?

What is this rash/infection I%26#039;ve had for like 3 years now.

I%26#039;ve been to the doctor and they didnt know what it was :


My hair doesnt grow in that area, it iches, and hurts sometimes i also have more little spots like that on my head|||How many opinions have you had? If you haven%26#039;t done so, you should get a second, or even third opinion. I would also check with an infectious disease doctor if dermatogists are of no help. Good luck.|||This is stress, plain and simple. I am so sorry that a fellow doctor would put you through what they%26#039;ve put you through.... disgusting. Most doctors are in it for money, and if you believe otherwise, then you%26#039;re being naive. Psychologists, dermatologists... etc... they love paychecks, the more you return, the more money they make. Be careful. Your problem is stress related, it%26#039;s something they won%26#039;t tell you here in America. I am so burdened that so much of this is going on in America....I constantly am asked by patients what alternatives do we have? European medicine, plain and simple... or Canadian.... the Canadians believe in healing and actually dealing with the problem before throwing procedure or drugs at it. What you need to do is first realize you don%26#039;t even have a problem, then start with meditation to visualize this very thing, that no problem exist. Then, through yoga and educating yourself on stress-related skin diseases you can find your way out of the forest..... good luck, and be well, Jack

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