Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Hiya was just wondering if i went to see my gp and asked to be sent to see a dermatologist how long would i have to wait? And also how much roughly does it cost to see a private Dermatologist? xx|||Waiting lists are very area dependant, but dermatology lists have always been on the high side. If you go on to your local NHS Trust site it may give local information. A phone call to any of your local private hospitals will get you a quote for a single private consultation, but remember even the simplest of blood tests or swabs will be added to that bill!|||by the time u get to see dermatogist through your gp everything would be cleared up but u go private through your gp he.ll tell u price plus 10% for himself|||No idea how much one costs, go and see your gp, they may be able to help without referring you on. And I think ultimately it will come down to local health authorities as to how long you will have to wait.|||It would depend what the problem was as to whether your GP would refer you to a dermatologist or not. I understand accupuncture can help some skin conditions, so it might be worth checking with an alternative therapy centre - but check credentials

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