Tuesday, December 22, 2009

To poor to reschedule w/dermatologist?

my derm wrote me a prescription many months ago for tazorac and triluma. At the time I had health insurance but no money to fill the prescription so I just used the samples. Now the samples have run out and its the exact opposite! No health insurance but I have money to fill the prescriptions which are about $80 a pop.

Any creative ideas for how to get this stuff? I was thinking call the derm and asking them to call the pharmacy to fill the prescription, but they might make me schedule another appointment. Which is ridiculous.|||If you find out, please share. I had Triluma prescribed once but I never filled it cuz it was to expensive and my insurance doesn%26#039;t cover it b/c it is considered cosmetic. they wanted to charge me $200!|||pending on how long ago the prescription was written, it might still be valid. i would call the pharmacy and ask them to either fill it or if they would call it in. and even if you do call the dermatologist and they request a another visit, there is nothing that says you have to or that you can not cancel the appointment. that might sound a little sketchy but it is skincare, it is not rocket science.

plus, if you do have to talk to the dermatologist explain to them that the meds worked and that you just do not have insurance. this is becoming more and more common, they will understand.|||I%26#039;m a dermatologist. These are not dangerous drugs, so if u were to call my office and tell me that the samples worked well, and that u now need to fill the Rx (which u didn%26#039;t do at the time), I%26#039;d just call it in for you. We are much more concerned if it%26#039;s a drug that has some bad side effects. But, the first thing I%26#039;d do is to take the Rx to the pharmacist, who will, in all likelihood,fill it for you. Again, since these aren%26#039;t dangerous drugs, and the pharmacy is more interested in filling the prescriptions and making money, they won%26#039;t cause u any hassle.|||Calling the doc is right on - explain what you said here and he/she will probably be glad to send a prescription.

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