Friday, January 8, 2010

Dermatologist question?

one of my cousin went to a dermatologist and her acne clear up completely, so for thoes of you whho went to a dermmatologist, did your acne clear up???? Sooo if i stick to the regimen that my dermatologist recomended, how long will it taake my acne to clear up???|||It depends what your derm. gives you. He might not give you the same thing your cousin got and your skin is different also, so it might not take to the same things. You can try though. I%26#039;ve found Proactiv works very well, if used exactly like the directions say to!|||I went to many dermatolgists over the years and nothing ever really stuck. Creams, injections, even antibiotics for those really bad breakouts. Then I met a girl who practiced Asian medicine in LA and we became friends. She suggested that I stop eating processed food, like wheat and sugar. So I tried that and in one month my skin was CLEAR! I cant believe that was the answer all those years!

About 95% of the food in a grocery store is processed: crackers, bread, cookies, cakes, etc. If you read the back of a package and it say ENRICHED WHEAT, that means processed. And sugar, sugar, sugar..bad. some ppl have sensitivity to these processed foods and it does something to your hormones and then you get the acne. My skin is awesome now and you wouldn%26#039;t even know that I ever struggled with it. Try it, cant hurt! Eating healthy is more expensive but its so worth it.

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